Daase, Rudolph

Rudolph Daase

Rudolph Daase was born on 21 February 1822 in Berlin. He studied music under Eduard Wilsing. Rudolph Daase worked as a conductor of a light orchestra in Berlin and composed hundreds of short light music compositions like waltzes, polkas, marches, etc. Rudolph Daase died in 1892 in Berlin.


Unfortunately I could not find further biographical information on Rudolph Daase. Contemporary journals and newspapers informed regularly about him, but only about his latest publications of compositions. Although he composed nearly 500 works and dozens of them were published, only a few of these compositions can be found in archives and libraries.


Among his compositions is a "Henri-Romanze, for violin and piano op.455". The work was composed in 1886 and published by Alfred Dörffel in Leipzig. The title of the work derives from the fact that the composition is dedicated to the violinist Henri Marteau. Henri Marteau was born in 1874 and although he was a violin child prodigy and had his sensationell concert debut in 1884, this dedication by Rudolph Daase seems to be an early one in the career of Henri Marteau. The exact quote of the dedication is: "seinem lieben Henri Marteau gewidmet" (= dedicated to his beloved Henri Marteau). This could give the impression that Rudolph Daase and Henri Marteau were acquainted with each other, but I could not find any reference for this.

Due to the fact that I could not trace a single copy of this score in archives or libraries I would like to present the composition here for information purposes:

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